B.Ed. (Regular) Session 2020-22

Annual Intake: 200 Seats

Fee Structure: 44000+ University Charge (Per Year)

Course Type : Professional

Exam Scheme : Annual

Duration : 2 Year



Course Nomenclature Max. Marks No. of Credits (Minimum) Teaching periods per Week (Exam Hours: Marks)
Total Theory Internal Assessment
I Childhood and Growing up 100 80 20 10 6 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
II Contemporary India and Education 100 80 20 10 6 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
III Learning and Teaching 100 80 20 10 6 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
IV(A) Language Across Curriculum 50 40 10 5 3 periods per week
(1:30 hours, 40 marks)
IV(B) Understanding, Disciplines and subjects 50 40 10 5  3 periods per week
(1:30 hours, 40 marks)
V Gender, School and Society 50 40 10 5  3 periods per week
(1:30 hours, 40 marks)
VI Pedagogy of School  Subject I 100 80 20 10 6 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
VII Pedagogy of School  Subject II 100 80 20 10 6 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
Enhancing Professional Capacities (EPC) Practicum
EPC-1 Reading and Reflecting on Texts 50 25 25 5 1:30 periods per week
EPC-2 Critical  Understanding of ICT 50 25 25 5 1:30 periods per week
Total Marks 750 600 150 75   



Course Nomenclature Max. Marks No. of Credits (Minimum) Teaching Hours Per Week (Exam Hours, Marks)
Total Theory Internal Assessment
I Knowledge and  Curriculum 100 80 20 10 12 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
II Assessment for Learning 100 80 20 10 12 periods per week
(3 hours, 80 marks)
III Creating an Inclusive School 50 40 10 5 6 periods per week
(1:30 hours, 40 marks)
V (B) Option Course

Any one of the


1.Environment Education

2. Health and Physical Education

3. Peace Education

4. Guidance and Counselling

50 40 10 5 6 periods per week
(1:30 hours, 40 marks)
EPC 2 Drama and Art in Education 50 25 25 5 3 periods per week
EPC 4 Understanding the Self 50 25 25 5 3 periods per week
VI Skill in Teaching  (Pedagogic Subject I) 175 100 75
VII Skill in Teaching  (Pedagogic Subject II) 175 100 75

Total Marks


520 230